
frequently asked questions

where do you ship from?

we do have products that ship from various warehouses throughout the country and some that ship from overseas. your order may be delivered in numerous packages depending on the items you order.

are all of your items from small businesses?

most of the products we sell are from small businesses. however, sometimes we come upon products that are not from small businesses that we believe you will love and offer them on our site.

why does it take longer to receive certain products over others?

in our effort to be sustainable and reduce our carbon footprint, we only keep a limited number of styles in stock at our warehouse.  many products are being shipped directly from manufacturers and their shipping speed is out of our control. (Minimum of 7-10 Business Days) we do try our best to negotiate better shipping speeds for you.

if you're looking for to receive your order faster, please shop our "quick-ship" collection.

what is your return policy?

you can find our full return policy here

are your size charts accurate?

we post size charts and dimensions that we receive from our brand partners. they do try to provide us with the most accurate size guides and recommendations.

shop the banannie diaries does not represent or warrant that this information is accurate or complete. on occasion, manufacturers may modify their items and update their labels.

do you offer exchanges?

eligible products can be exchanged in the case of a product not fitting correctly. please see our policy for exchanges here

do you offer sales and/or promotions?

yes, we do offer sales and promotions throughout the year. please see this page of our website for current offers. click here to view.

apply here!

thank you for your consideration in working with the banannie diaries. we are a small, women-owned business that is here to brighten your day. we currently sell jewelry, clothing, and gifts that are perfect for your gift list (and for you too!) #treatyourself - we look forward to reviewing your application!

*please note - this application is for those who choose to apply outside of our program on shopify collabs. we recommend that you choose ONE of our two available programs. if you prefer to apply via shopify collabs, scroll down to the bottom of the page and choose that option instead.

click here to apply